This blog is a collection of stories that have appeared in the press in different languages, countries and continents on Dr. Navras J. Aafreedi's research on Indian Jews and those in South Asia who consider themselves or are considered by others to be descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel and his efforts to raise Holocaust awareness.
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Pastunii, principalul grup taliban, ar putea fi descendenti ai evreilor
Pastunii, grupul etnic care formeaza nucleul talibanilor din Afganistan si Pakistan, ar putea fi descendenti ai dusmanilor lor evrei, sustin cercetatori indieni, citati de ziarul britanic Telegraph. Experti de la Institutul National de Imuno-hematologie din Mumbai au declarat ca grupul pastunilor ar putea fi unul dintre cele zece "Triburi disparute ale Israelului".
Guvernul israelian finanteaza in prezent un studiu genetic care sa stabileasca daca exista o dovada a legaturii intre pastuni si evrei.
Un genetician indian a recoltat probe de sange de la tribul de pastuni Afridi din Lucknow, in nordul Indiei. Probele au fost recoltate din aceasta regiune deoarece a fost considerata singura unde se poate face, in siguranta, un proiect atat de controversat pentru musulmani.
Shanaz Ali urmeaza sa-si petreaca urmatoarele 12 luni la Institutul de Tehnologie Technion din Tel Aviv, unde va compara probele de sange cu cele ale evreilor israelieni. Navras Aafreedi, un cercetator al "Triburilor disparute ale Israelului", a declarat ca studiul ar putea avea "repercusiuni moderne majore" precum si "ramificatii interesante pentru relatiile dintre musulmani si evrei in particular, dar si in plan global".
Telegraph precizeaza ca in lume traiesc in prezent circa 42 de milioane de pastuni, din care 14 milioane se afla in Afganistan si peste 28 de milioane in Pakistan.
Multi dintre pastuni au crescut auzind povesti despre neamul lor ca fiind "Copiii lui Israel". Potrivit legendei, ei sunt urmasi din tribul Efraim, care a fost alungat din Israel de invazia asirienilor, in jur de 700 i.Cr.
In Herat, la granita dintre Afganistan si Iran, au fost descoperite morminte insciptionate in ebraica, dovada a existentei unor vechi asezari evreiesti in zona. In plus, in Kabul exista o sinagoga veche de cateva secole, care acum este abandonata.
הבלוג הזה הוא אוסף של מאמרים שהופיעו בעיתונות בשפות,ארצות ויבשות שונות על מחקרו של ד"ר נברס ג'אאט אאפרידי על יהודים הודים ויהודים מדרום אסיה שנחשבים על ידי עצמם או על ידי אחרים להיות צאצאים של שבטי ישראל האבוים
This blog is a collection of stories that have appeared in the press in different languages, countries and continents on Dr. Navras J. Aafreedi's research on Indian Jews and those in South Asia who consider themselves or are considered by others to be descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel and his efforts to raise Holocaust awareness.
Jews, Judaizing Movements and the Traditions of Israelite Descent in South Asia (2016)
Please click on the image above to read the book online.
Conceptualizing Mass Violence: Representations, Recollections, and Reinterpretations (Routledge2021)
Please click on the image above to access the e-book.
میری پہچان ہے کل کے آثار میں
میں یہی تو نہیں اور یہیں تک نہیں
میری پہچان ہے کل کے آثار میں
(انور ندیم)
آج میں ایک ہندوستانی ہوں، اڑھائی سو سال پہلے میرے بزرگ افغان تھے، دو ہزار
سات سو...
Time now to gorge on Mangoes!!!
*( Malihabad is a town 30 km from Lucknow (India). It is the mango belt of
North India and is internationally acclaimed for its mangoes. Among
different ...
Indo-Judaic Studies Scholar | Assistant Professor (History), Presidency University, Kolkata | Research Fellow, Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP), New York | Salzburg Global Fellow | Scholar, SACH Institute, Islamabad
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