by Farzand Ahmed, India Today, November 6, 2006
A recent study has traced the origin of Afridi Pathans in a small town of Uttar Pradesh to the biblical 'lost tribes' of Israel. But the Pathans are not ready to accept themselves as Jews.
Malihabad, the small orchard town on the outskirts of Lucknow, will appeal to your senses straightway. While it is renowned for the sweet and fragrant Dussheri mango, the place has given birth to some of the finest Urdu and Persian poetry. And its claim to fame does not end there. The dusty town now stands home to something which can be traced back to biblical times. Among the inhabitants of Malihabad are a clan of tall, fair, well-built people who call themselves Afridi Pathans-warrior and poets. In fact, a huge arch at the entry to the town is dedicated to Bab-e-Goya, a famous warrior and poet. Growing evidence, however, suggests that their ancestry is not Muslim but Israelite and they are not originally from the Afghanistan-Pakistan area but are, in fact, one of the 'lost tribes' of Israel. In Malihabad, in the heart of Uttar Pradesh, they certainly stand out with their unique physical features.
Now a study by one of their own tribe, Navras Jaat Aafreedi, and published recently in the form of an e-book titled The Indian Jewry & The Self-Professed 'Lost Tribes of Israel' in India traces their lineage to one of the 'lost tribes' of Israel. Says Navras, "The main purpose of the research (for a doctorate from Lucknow University) was to trace the Afridi Pathans' ancestry." To make his study credible, he got help from an international research team which included Professor Tudor Parfitt, director of the Centre of Jewish Studies, London University and Dr Yulia Egorova, a linguist and historian from Russia. The team visited Malihabad and collected DNA samples from 50 paternally unrelated Afridi males to confirm their Israelite descent. The researchers looked at Israel's connections with Pathans in the Frontier areas of Pakistan and their links with Afridi Pathans in Uttar Pradesh's Malihabad and Qaimganj (Farrukhabad) as well as with Pathans in Aligarh, Sambhal and Barabanki besides tribes in Kashmir, Manipur and Guntur of Andhra Pradesh.
Historians and scholars like Professor S.N. Sinha, former head of the department of history, Jamia Millia Islamia and Professor V. D. Pandey, head of the department of medieval and modern Indian history, Lucknow University, have found Navras' research a 'landmark' study on the Jews in India and their links to Uttar Pradesh. According to the Bible, there were 12 tribes of Israel. The northern kingdom consisted of 10 tribes who were exiled and subsequently considered 'lost'. Four of 'lost tribes' have been traced in India: the Afridis, the Shinlung in the Northeast, the Yudu in Kashmir and the non-Muslim tribes in Guntur. Historians believe that Afghans were the descendents of Israel - another name of Abraham's grandson Jacob or Yaqub. They came to the region known as North West Frontier and Afghanistan and as they moved onwards they were called Afridan, in Persian meaning 'newly arrived' and thus acquired the title 'Afridi'. Many of the Afridi-Afghans still follow Jewish tradition like Sabbath and circumcision on the eighth day of the birth. There are three major groups of Israelites or Jews in India: Bene Israel, which is the largest group, the Cochini, the smallest group and the Baghdadi. The Pathans of Malihabad and Farrukhabad call themselves Bani Israel, which means Children of Israel. Bani Israel clans are also found in Aligarh and Sambhal in Moradabad.
The Pathan-Afridi settlement in Malihabad dates back to 1202 A.D., when the village of Bakhtiarnagar was founded by Mohammad Bakhtiar Khilji. Most of the Pathans came in around the middle of the 17th century and each migrant clan took possession of villages around Malihabad. However, the greatest wave of migrant Pathans, mainly Afridis, arrived in Malihabad a century later during Ahmad Shah Abdali's five invasions between 1748 and 1761.
Many Israelite-Afridis of Malihabad and Qaimganj rose to eminent positions in the field of warfare, politics, literature and sports. If Dr. Zakir Husain, an Israelite-Pathan, the third President of India and founder of Jamia Millia Islamia University hailed from Farrukhabad, Malihabad prides itself on Nawab Faqueer Mohammad Khan 'Goya', the poet and courtier of Awadh, Josh Malihabadi, the rebel poet who later migrated to Pakistan; Ghaus Mohammad Khan, the tennis player and Anwar Nadeem, stage artist, writer and poet.
There are around 1,200 to 1,300 Pathans in Malihabad and half of them, according to the latest research, are Israelite-Afridis. The study has evoked much excitement among the Afridi Pathans as they are not ready to accept their Jewish identity. Unlike the other tribes who have readily claimed affiliation to the 'lost tribes' of Israel, Afridi Pathans are sceptical about their Jewish status. The reluctance is quite evident as 91-year-old Qavi Kamal Khan, one of the Afridi Pathans of the town, says, "I have heard that we have Israelite lineage but we are not Jew. We are are Afridis." Historians, however, believe that Navras' research may turn out to be a milestone in the genealogical-historical research that takes off in an obscure of Lucknow, re-discovering a link lost in the passage of time. The study, for once, proves that the world is, in fact a global village.
The elder quoted in the article is right. You are not Jews - you are Israelites of the tribe of Ephraim. And PessaH is for you aas well - you are a Child of Israel
הג שמח
Navras - If you are so convinced that the Afridi-Pathans descend from the tribe of Efraim of the 10 lost tribes of Israel (children of Yaacov), then how come you haven't accepted Judaism like your brethrens..... etty, Jerusalem
Hello !!
There is a miss information about the Pahtu writing that the first book was wrriten in 1603 is wrong because the pashtu first bok "Pataa Khazan" was written by Dawlath khan in 816 AD. Hope you will re-search for it.
Thanks and keep it up. (A Pathan)
salam dear afridi! According to the DNA results "Y-Chromosomal DNA Variation in Pakistan" Pashtuns belong the indo-europan family.so there is no support for a Jewish origin.
Have read the paper. It doesn't say anything conclusively.
Magray is a Martial Kashmiri tribe of Rajput origin. Magray sprung from Kashtri-un-Nassal Rajput. Kashtri-un-Nassal Rajput are one of the four classes of Hindus. Kashtri were people of ruling class having responsibility for the defence of the state. Ladhay Magray was the forefather of Magray tribe. Magres accepted Islam at the hand of Syed Ali Hamdani in thirteenth Century. The first person who entered in Kashmir and settled there belonged to Magray tribe thus making Magray tribe, the founders of Kashmir. Magray tribe ruled over Kashmir for seven hundred years. They invited Mughals to enter Kashmir in order to end disturbances in the valley. However, subsequently Mughals were defeated and pushed back by the Magray tribe. Magray tribe is settled all over the world with majority in Kashmir Valley. In spite of being SARDARS of the time, people of Magray tribe felt proud to be called as MAGRAY.
a. Magray Village - Motarin khaigala, Rawalakot
b. Magray Village - District Bagh
c. Magray City - Kuttan Neelum valley, Muzaffarabad
d. Magray Abad - Rawalakot
e. Magray Gali - Lipa Valley, Muzaffarabad
f. Magray Abad - Neelum Valley, Attmaqam,Kel road, Muzaffarabad
g. Magray Hills - Kanchikot, Rawalakot
h. Kharal Magrayan - Distt Bagh
j. Sardari Magrayan - Kel, Neelum Valley,Muzaffarabad
K. Magray Village Marchkot - Abbapur
l. Magray Bandian -Abbaspur
Magray is an ancient word, Magray means, "The Martials", "The Warriors", "Military and war like people". Magray is also spelled as Magrey, Magre and Magri, but the correct spelling is Magray. The plural of Magray is Magres.
Magray is a Martial Kashmiri tribe of Rajput origin. Magray sprung from Kashtri-un-Nassal Rajput. Kashtri-un-Nassal Rajput are one of the four classes of Hindus. Kashtri were people of ruling class having responsibility for the defence of the state. Ladhay Magray was the forefather of Magray tribe. Magres accepted Islam at the hand of Syed Ali Hamdani in thirteenth Century. The first person who entered in Kashmir and settled there belonged to Magray tribe thus making Magray tribe, the founders of Kashmir. Magray tribe ruled over Kashmir for seven hundred years. They invited Mughals to enter Kashmir in order to end disturbances in the valley. However, subsequently Mughals were defeated and pushed back by the Magray tribe. Magray tribe is settled all over the world with majority in Kashmir Valley. In spite of being SARDARS of the time, people of Magray tribe felt proud to be called as MAGRAY.
1. Magray Village - District Bagh
2. Magray City - Kuttan, Neelum valley, Muzaffarabad
3. Magray Hills - Kanchikot, Rawalakot
4. Magray Abad - Rawalakot
5. Magray Gali - Lipa Valley, Muzaffarabad
6. Magray Abad - Attmaqam,Kel road,Neelum Valley
7. Magray Village - Motarin, khaigala, Rawalakot
8. Kharl Magrayan - District Bagh
9. Sardari Magrayan - Neelum Valley Muzaffarabad
10. Magray village marchkot - Abbaspur
11. Bandian Magray - Abbaspur
Magray is an ancient word, Magray means, "The Martials", "The Warriors", "Military and war like people". Magray is also spelled as Magrey, Magre and Magri, but the correct spelling is Magray. The plural of Magray is Magres.
All the historical books on Kashmir contain material on Magray tribe and their role in the history of Kashmir. Few of the historical Books are mentioned here for reference.
1. Magray in the Eyes of History - By Sajid Latif Magray
2. Magray A Warrior Kashmiri Tribe - By Abdul Qayyum
3. Valley of Kashmir - By Sir Walter Lirance
4. Imperial Gazettier of India - Govt of India
5. Tribes and Castes of Kashmir - By Muhammad Din Folk
6 .Castes and Tribes of Poonch - By Muhammad Din Folk
7. History of Kasmir - - By Khawaja Azamey
8. History of Kashmir - By Muhammad Hassan
9. History Kabeer Kashmir - By Haji M.Mohiudin
10.Raj Tarangi - By Pandit Kahlan
11. Tareekh-e-Kashmir - By Professors Nazir Ahmed Tashna
12. Kashmir in the Era of Muslim empires - By Ghulam Hassan Khoyami
13. Tareekh-e- Malkan - By Dr Sadiq Malik
14. Jalwa-e-Kashmir - By Dr Sabir Afaqi
15 Baharistan-e-Shahi - A Chronocle Mediaeval of Kashmir
16. Magray- The Martials and Warriors of Kashmir - By Sajiad Latif Magray
17. Tareekh-e-Kashmir,Islamia - By Dr Sabir Afaqi
18. Tareekh-e-Azmi - By M.Azam
19. Tribal geography of India Jamu and Kashmir - By M. Bashir Magray
20. A New History of India and Pakistan - By Quyyam Abdul
This is a village comprising of about 400 houses, exclusively of the Magray Tribe. Road leading from Rawalkot to Tatrinote crossing point passes from this village. Few personalities of the village are:-
a. Muhammad Din Magray
b. Subedar Muhammad Latif Magray
c. Sajjad Latif Magray
d. Rasheed Magray
e. Yaqoob Magray
f. Manzoor Magray
g. Sadique Magray
h. Dilpazir Magray
i. Muhammad Aamir Magray
j. Bashir Magray
k. Qayyum Magray
l. Yaseen Magray
m. Imran Yaseen margay
n. Shafi Magray
o. Akram Magray
p. Rafique Magray
q. Sajjad Magray
r. Muhammad Javed Magray
s. Kabir Magray
t. Kamran Magray
This is a big village which starts from the Magray Market on Ali Sajad Road and goes to the top of Tolipeer, a prominent Hill top of Kashmir. Few personalities of the Magray Hills are:-
a. Haji Aqal Hussain Magray
b. Tariq Magray
c. Ghulam Nabi Magray
d. Gulzar Magray
e. Havildar Yaseen margay
f. Subedar Rafique Magray
g. Hanif Magray
h. Havildar Azam Magray
i. Muhammad Ashraf Magray
j. Kala Khan Magray
k. Hakim din Magray
l. Capt Yaqoob Magray
m. Asghar Magray
n. Sadique Magray
o. Haji Abdullah Magr
This is a small town in Rawalakot valley on Banjora Road in Barmang. Few of the personalities of the area are:-
a. Abdul Majeed Magray
b. Muhammad Arif Magray
c. Muhammad Razaque Magray
d. Muhammad Imtiaz Magray
e. Muhammad javed Magray
f. Muhammad Shoukat Magray
g. Muhammad Riaz Magray
h. Muhammad Ishaque Magray
i. Muhammad Shakeel Magray
j. Muhammad Jahangir Magray
k. Muhammad Khurshid Magray
l. Muhammad yaseen Magray
This village start from Magray city Lower Bela and extends tol the prominent Hill top of Kashmir Lasdana. This village comprises of 600 houses 100% of the Magray tribe people. Few personalities of the Magrtay village are:-
a. Dr Mir Akbar Magray
b. Gohar Magray
c. Abdul Hameed Magray
d. Fazal Gohar Magray
e. Aslam Magray
f. Hayat margay
g. Liaqat Ali Magray
h. Ghulam Nabi
i. Wali Noor Magray
j. Sakhi Muhammad Magray
k. Haseeb Magray
It is a small area in District Bagh, people of Magray tribe are settled here. Few personalities of the area are:-
a. Muhammad Ashraf Magray
b. Muhammad Farooq Magray
c. Abdul Hameed Magray
d. Gulfraz Magray
e. Akram Magray
f. Haji Hakeek Magray
g. Muhammad Khurshid Magray
h. Fazal Hussain Magray
i. Shakeel Ahmed Magray
A prominent Hilltop of Kashmir in Lipa valley. Few personalities of the area are lmentioned here:-
a. Capt Ghulam Hussain Magray
b. Ghulam Rasool Magray
c. Pervaiz Magray
d. Prof Kosar Magray
A SMALL TOWN IN Kutton Neelum valley comprising of shopping centres, shops and residential area,
comprising lmainly of Magray Tribe. Few notables of the area are:-
a. Mangta Magray
b. Shahzaman Magray
c. Arshad Magray
d. Shahzaman Magray
e. Ali Akbar Magray
f. Asad Magray
g. Matloob Magray
h. Attique Magray
i. Oamer Zaman Magray
j. Amjid Magray
A SMALL TOWN IN Neelum valley on Kel Road near Athmaqam. Few personalities of the area are:-
a. Muhammad Mustafa Magray
b. Muhammad Khurshid Magray
c. Muhammad Subhan Magray
d. Shakeel Magray
e. Ashraf Magray
f. Mushtaq Magray
g. Ghulam Hussain Magray
h. Abid Magray
This is the larges village of Abbaspur town comprising of more than 1000 houses exclusively of the Magray Tibe. Few personalities of the village are:-
a. Sher Akbar Magray
b. Havildar Karim Magray
c. Muhammad Sharif Magray
d. Muhammad Afsar Magray
e. Muhammad Rasheed Magray
f. Manzoor Magray
g. Muhammad Rafique Magray
h. Muhammad Raheem Magray
i. Saleem Magray
j. Ali Akbar Magray
k. Muhammad Azeem Magray
l. Muhammad Yaqoob Magray
m. Mubashar Salam Din Magray
n. Sadique Magray
o. Hameed Magray
p. Kutab Dinb Magray
This is a remote village of Abbaspur town comprising of more than 500 houses entirely of the Magray tribe. Few personalities of Bandian Magray are:-
a. Muhammad Arif Magray
b. Mir Akbar Magray
c. Muhammad Bashir Magray
d. Muhammad Ashraf Magray
e. Muhammad Nazir Magray
f. Sakhi Muhammad Magray
g. Jalal Din Magray
h. Muhammad Saddique Magray
i. Shoukat Magray
j. Rasheed Magray
There seems to be a lot of confusion among both readers and Pashtuns between the Pashtuns' potential Israelite ancestry and their "Jewishness." If the Pashtuns descend from the Israelite kingdom that was destroyed in 722 BCE, they would have practiced an ancient Israelite religion that was a precursor to part of what we call Judaism. Indeed, when Assyria destroyed the Northern Kingdom of Israel in 722 BCE, it was a separate kingdom from the Southern Kingdom of Judah/Yehudah. That is the name of the (much later destroyed) kingdom from which "Jews" or "Yehudim" derive. So, there is no inconsistency between the Pashtuns claiming Israelite ancestry and their hostility to "Jews." Indeed, it was this mutual hostility (fostered by the not-so-wise King Solomon) that led to the division of the two Hebrew-speaking kingdoms in the first place. In fact, the Torah is a fusion of Israelite and Judean traditions. That is why we have what Bible scholars call "E" stories (from the Northern Kingdom of Israel) and "J" stories (from the Southern Judean Kingdom) in the Torah. For more insight, see Richard Elliot Friedman's fascinating book "Who Wrote the Bible?"
navrasaafreedi.blogspot.com is very informative. The article is very professionally written. I enjoy reading navrasaafreedi.blogspot.com every day.
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Dr. Afridi
You should read a book called " jesus in India" it contains lots of refrences from many different sources. This book was written in 1899. It is one of the best book to support your argument about lost tribes.
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